Friday, October 1, 2010

Hot Air Balloon at Maya's School

So this morning we all woke up early to go watch a hot air balloon get blown up at Maya's school. Sophia was so excited, she had to get a few book and put them in her Hannah Montana bag so she would look like the other kids with school work.
We got there and waited for the balloon to arrive. Mario loves the idea of us one day buying a balloon of our own, or going in with Manuel, his best friend. So of course Mario and his curiosity got the best of him, and he got so close they the words "Do You Need Help" got the best of him. And sure enough he was on the tarp ready to unroll that balloon.

This is Mario and my cousin Andrea's husband. Its neat that he works at Maya's school so he can look out for her, and if something is going on then he knows how to get ahold of us :)

Christine comes home this weekend, and perfect timing too. We will be going to the balloon fiesta with all the kids, they will like it. Sophie is now at an age that she loves looking at all the different things around her, and Maya loves being the older sister that gets to point those things out to her.

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