Wednesday, December 8, 2010


This cute picture, Sophia made for me at day care. It is the cutest thing I have seen so far made by her :)

Maya and Sophia saw Santa a few weeks ago. This is the first Christmas that Sophia wasn't scared to see him. Both Maya and Sophia asked Santa for pillow pets. Maya wants a puppy and of course Sophia wants a Unicorn.. She will tell you "I loooooove Unicorns" lol

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hello everyone.. Sorry for the late update. We have been so busy lately with birthdays, school functions, Mario going out of town, Thanksgiving and now getting ready for Christmas.
Maya is doing awesome,e had our first parent teacher conference of the year and she is doing wonderful in 1st grade. One thing that we ask of anyone and everyone is to just read with her, or have her read to you. She is so smart, smarter than we thought.
Sophia is getting ready for Santa to come. This year she is way excited for Christmas to come, she gets excited to see all the lights, and the decorations. Every time she sees Santa she gets excited as well.
Right now Maya is really into drawing and writing, she says she wants to be an author when she gets older. Sophia is really into movies, watching older movies such as Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory, and Mary Popins.. she knows all the words and sings to all the songs.
As I mentioned before, Mario went on a mini vaction with his aunt and cousin, to AZ to watch Nascar for the weekend. He had fun, and came back smelling like camp fire.

The girls and I missed him like crazy.
As for me I am still doing the same old thing, Work and Kids, and home. Work is going okay, I am very thankful to have a job and still enjoy going to work.

Mario started decorated the house for Christmas today, so the lights are up out side along with the snowman. And while the girls and I were gone for the day he put up the tree for us to decorate. Again Sophia was so excited just to see the tree with no orniments.

The up coming weeks are going to be busy, unfortunately we will not be having our anual White Elephant Party, but hopefully next year everything will work out and we will get back into the party mood.
Well for now I am going to go. I will try hard to post more often :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloweenie! #2

The girls did so good going up to people's houses and saying "Trick or Treat" and they said Thank You to everyone that gave them candy.
They thought Sophia looked so cute as a little witch. Shes is like a tiny little person, with little legs and little arms.


Well yesterday was Halloween.. the girls were so excited to go trick or treating..
We started the day off at my mother in laws house for breakfast, where we had eggs, potatoes, beans and red chili. It was so yummy. Then we went home to rest before we got ready for the big night.
Mario had to work, so the girls and I went to my grandma's house for dinner and so Margaret could see the girls in their costumes..
Grandma took them out around her neighborhood, then I took the girls back home so we could go trick or treating around our house..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hello everyone. sorry I have been so busy that I haven't been able to upload pictures and update you with the girls. We have been busy with soccer games, dance classes, weddings, and birthday parties. Infact this picture is of our god son Noah's 1st birthday cake.
Halloween will be here in just a few days, the girls are getting excited. Sophia is going to be a wich, and Maya decided to be a black cat. Me I am going to be a clown :) should be silly, even though I don't know how i am going to pull it off. we will see.

I will definately add pictures very soon.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hot Air Balloon at Maya's School

So this morning we all woke up early to go watch a hot air balloon get blown up at Maya's school. Sophia was so excited, she had to get a few book and put them in her Hannah Montana bag so she would look like the other kids with school work.
We got there and waited for the balloon to arrive. Mario loves the idea of us one day buying a balloon of our own, or going in with Manuel, his best friend. So of course Mario and his curiosity got the best of him, and he got so close they the words "Do You Need Help" got the best of him. And sure enough he was on the tarp ready to unroll that balloon.

This is Mario and my cousin Andrea's husband. Its neat that he works at Maya's school so he can look out for her, and if something is going on then he knows how to get ahold of us :)

Christine comes home this weekend, and perfect timing too. We will be going to the balloon fiesta with all the kids, they will like it. Sophie is now at an age that she loves looking at all the different things around her, and Maya loves being the older sister that gets to point those things out to her.


So Sophia hasn't been able to pay attention the Maya's soccer games... instead of watching the game she likes to chase butterflies
As far as Maya's team, they aren't doing so good. They lost the last two games, but the score was really close. And Maya is doing awesome. She is having fun and actually chasing the ball and she's not affraid of the ball or getting close to the other girls.
Sophie likes Maya's jersey, and that's cause it has both her and my favorite number, number 3!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Mario and I attended a lot of concerts this summer.. one more to go this next week. We have been lucky that it hasn't rained on us yet.


I get the privlage every morning to take Sophia to school in the morning. Today she looked so cute so I took her picture..
She told me this morning that she is wearing cherries.. and sure enough, she is.
Sophie is really good about picking out her own clothes in the morning.. she picks things that match and actually go together. Shes not that picky but usually wears dresses everyday, unless I can convince her that she is going to be cold..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday nights!

Well our Friday nights have consisted of mario's softball games. Which is pretty neat, it's nice to spend time with the whole family. Even though the girls don't really watch, all they do is snack and play.
This Friday Sophia played with another little boy. I asked her "what is his name?" she replied "shark boy" LOL
The imagination on in that Sophia has. She and this little boy were playing shark boy and lava girl... Lol running around like crazy, saying they were looking for the volcano.. Lol
But in the end everyone had a good time. The boys won their first game and lost the second one. But at least they played better than last week.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

1st Soccer game!

Sophia has to join in the half time snack too. That's one of her favorite parts of the game.
Today Maya had her first soccer game. We were very impressed with how she did. She ran after that ball and helped her team make the goals.
Runnnnn.... Maya, kick that ball...
.Can you believe it? Maya actually let me put her hair up in a pony tail..
Go Cheetas! This season is going to be a great one!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hello everyone, I thought this might be a nice way for our friends and family to see what we are up to through out the year. I will be posting pictures and news events as they happen.
Maya starts soccer this weekend, and Sophia starts dance classes next week. Mario even starts playing softball this friday.
We also have a new co habiter to the house, my step sister Jessica will be living with us while she attends college.
So now that school has started we will all be busy bees..
So please feel free to come back and check in on us :)

Maya on her 1st day of School