Hello everyone.. Sorry for the late update. We have been so busy lately with birthdays, school functions, Mario going out of town, Thanksgiving and now getting ready for Christmas.
Maya is doing awesome,e had our first parent teacher conference of the year and she is doing wonderful in 1st grade. One thing that we ask of anyone and everyone is to just read with her, or have her read to you. She is so smart, smarter than we thought.
Sophia is getting ready for Santa to come. This year she is way excited for Christmas to come, she gets excited to see all the lights, and the decorations. Every time she sees Santa she gets excited as well.
Right now Maya is really into drawing and writing, she says she wants to be an author when she gets older. Sophia is really into movies, watching older movies such as Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory, and Mary Popins.. she knows all the words and sings to all the songs.
As I mentioned before, Mario went on a mini vaction with his aunt and cousin, to AZ to watch Nascar for the weekend. He had fun, and came back smelling like camp fire.
The girls and I missed him like crazy.
As for me I am still doing the same old thing, Work and Kids, and home. Work is going okay, I am very thankful to have a job and still enjoy going to work.
Mario started decorated the house for Christmas today, so the lights are up out side along with the snowman. And while the girls and I were gone for the day he put up the tree for us to decorate. Again Sophia was so excited just to see the tree with no orniments.
The up coming weeks are going to be busy, unfortunately we will not be having our anual White Elephant Party, but hopefully next year everything will work out and we will get back into the party mood.
Well for now I am going to go. I will try hard to post more often :)