It's been forever since we have slept in on a Saturday. We stayed up late and got to sleep in.. so nice.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wow.. Easter has come and gone so fast. The girls had fun though. Saturday was mayas last soccer game. They tied.. all the girls played really good. We will miss playing with that group of girls. Next season both Maya and Sophia will be playing soccer should be interesting.
Mario had to work. But the girls went to hang out with tanya for a while. When they came home we colored eggs. They made beautiful colors.
Sunday... Easter.... we went to my aunt Lynn's for a while and then went to my grandmas.. all in all it was a good day. Despite the wind. The weather here needs to warm up already.
Well soccer is over. CCD is over. The only thing left is sophies dance. And that too ends soon. We are thinking of continuing her in the summer program. We will see.
We are also now awaiting the arrival of our niece, Audrey. Hopefully really soon:)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
So tonight at dinner Sophie showed us she knows how to draw flowers... I was very impressed.
And our nephew Matthew just loves his cousin Maya. So cute
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hair cut
Sophie got her first really hair cut.. and not just a trim.. thanks to my sister Jessica.
Sophia's hair was really tangled. So chop away I decided. We took off a good chunk of baby hair off. It's now nice and soft.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Jessica's birthday party
Well the girls and I are in Santa Fe for the night. For my sister Jessica's birthday party.
She a pretty good turn out. We ate dip and chips and Frito pie and pizza. The girls are worn out.
Maya is already in bed while Sophie is still awake watching tangled, on Maya's I touch.
We go back home tomorrow to a house of laundry and cleaning.
Maya and I messed around taking pictures of our self before she decided to go to bed.
Hope you enjoy .lol
Jessica's birthday party
Well the girls and I are in Santa Fe for the night. For my sister Jessica's birthday party.
She a pretty good turn out. We ate dip and chips and Frito pie and pizza. The girls are worn out.
Maya is already in bed while Sophie is still awake watching tangled, on Maya's I touch.
We go back home tomorrow to a house of laundry and cleaning.
Maya and I messed around taking pictures of our self before she decided to go to bed.
Hope you enjoy .lol
Friday, April 8, 2011
Well today was a good day.. work was okay... Mario had an other softball game. The guys won one and lost the last one.
The girls played til their hearts were content. Sophia actually played in the dirt.. she was nasty dirty, afterwards.
Late night of laundry. May has a soccer game in the morning..
Nite everyone.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Something new.
Well we got new phones so I'm going to try doing the blog from here.
The girls are doing awesome. Mario and went on a few road trips this last week, so we had family take care of the girls. They did wonderful so we hear.
As far as Mario and I we had fun.
We were in Vegas and then Denver.
Lots of eating and dancing, which is always fun.
Well if this works I will be able to blog more often