Well today is the day my brother would be 28 years old.. just looking at the number makes me think that "wow, we are old.. lol" I can't believe that he will be gone for 5 years this May.
Well other than it already being March. Maya has started up with soccer again. Sophia is continuing with dance class, in fact her recital is the weekend of Memorial Day.
The last two months have been busy for all of us. With homework and dance class and CCD classes, the girls keep us on our toes.
I think Mario and I are in need of a vacation.. So Vegas here we come. We are going to go see Garth Brooks with our friends Manuel and Carol at the end of the month, also going to Denver the following weekend. I need a little break from work.. I am so excited. Might be a lot of driving but well worth it.
The other things that have changed over the past few months are the girls ages.. Sophia turned 4, but she thinks she is 5.. she really wants to ride the yellow school bus to her sisters school. She will tell you that she is BIG now..
Maya turned 7 on Valentines day. I can't believe that shes that big already. It might sound crazy but I remember being 7. I meet alot of people that I am still close with at the age 7. Crazy~